
The IST Master track offers a unique hands-on experience with practical activities integrated with its education programme and the offered courses. At the center of those is the Eindhoven Security Hub-SOC (ESH-SOC), a public-private initiative from TU/e offering security monitoring services to external companies in the region.

Its unique features? Strongly research-oriented, student-driven, and integrated in the IST study programme!

The ESH-SOC welcomes applications for internships, MSc final projects, and even PhD work. Applications are welcome across all quarters in the academic year.

By joining the ESH-SOC team, you will be involved in both SOC operations (monitoring, incident investigation, and reporting) as well as the technical and procedural aspects of the SOC, for example to develop and/or test new ML/AI techniques for security alerting, or build new rulesets for novel threats. You will be supervised by seasoned security professionals and in constant touch with other students and researchers working in the ESH-SOC.

Are you interested? Reach out to us (l.allodi@tue.nl) specifying the courses you followed and any other relevant experience you might have, and we willl set up a call to get in touch and discuss how the ESH-SOC can become part of your IST path!